Kakakdewa.com Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya Increased food production, particularly the achievement of a surplus of 10 million tonnes of rice in 2014 as well as the achievement of fishery production 22.39 million tons in 2014.
Acceleration diversification of food consumption.
Stabilization of food prices in the country.
Improving the welfare of farmers and fishermen.
Map of Food Security and Vulnerability in Indonesia
source: bkp.deptan.go.id
Resilience and Vulnerability Description Map of Indonesian Food:
Of the 346 districts analyzed Food Security Council (DKP) there are 100 counties that have a high risk of food insecurity and require priority handling.
Among the 100 districts rated in the bottom of the so-called Map of Food Security and Vulnerability 2009 is subdivided into three priority areas, namely: priority 1, priority 2 and priority 3.
There are 30 districts which include Priority 1 to get treatment, the majority of districts spread across eastern Indonesia, especially in Papua (11 districts), NTT (6 districts) and West Papua (5 districts). The total population reached 5,282,571 inhabitants.
Which includes Priority 2, there are 30 districts, which are mostly found in West Kalimantan (7 districts), NTT (5 districts), NAD (4 districts), anSARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA d Papua (3 districts). The total population reached 7,671,614 inhabitants.
Which includes Priority 3 contained 40 kabupetan, which are mostly found in Central Kalimantan (6 districts), Central Sulawesi (5 districts) and NTB (4 districts). The total number of residents in this region Priority 3 11,785,667 inhabitants.
Determination of the status of the resilience and vulnerability of an area in the map is based on 13 indicators grouped into 4 categories. First, the availability of food. Indicators that are analyzed are 1) the normative per capita consumption of the ratio of net availability of rice + cassava + maize + sweet potato. Second, Access to Food. The indicators are: 2) The percentage of the population below the poverty line; 3) The percentage of villages that do not have access to adequate liaison, and 4) The percentage of the population without access to electricity.
Third, utilization of food (food consumption, health and nutrition). The indicators are: 5) Life expectancy at birth, 6) weight infants below the standard, 7) Female illiteracy, 8) Households without access to clean water; and 9) Percentage of population living more than 5 km from a health facility. (Source: Kompasiana)
quality diet
Quality of food refers to the adequacy of nutrients in food. The food quality has two components, namely the diversity of food and variety of foods or food (Ruel, 2003, SCN, 2007). The diversity of food is described as the amount of food or food groups consumed over a given period (Drewnowski, Henderson, Driscoll, and Rolls, 1997). Ruel (2003) and Onyango (2003) also showed that the diversity of food is directly related to the quality of food.
A household may reflect dietary quality if the household safe food, through the quality of food that meets the nutritional needs of the household (Ruel, 2003). It is important that the nutritional intake of food should be increased because of an inadequate diet under conditions of food insecurity can be a direct cause of malnutrition (Wenhold and Faber, 2006). This is especially true of children, because of the need for the various stages of its life cycle and development.
Given the nutrients contained therein, Msakaupoker.com agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaoringa leaves can contribute to the diversity of food and quality of food from households that need improvement of their nutritional intake. But it is also important to know the public acceptance of the Moringa leaves as a source of quality nutrition.