Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

Simple Template, Fast Loading and SEO Friendly


jasa SEO Murah - If we do a little researching about things related to SEO Friendly , Use of Smart Link in any blog article frequently used by the master blogger . It's just a different name , For the master bloggers often make internal links in each article . It will make us look first url link and the link title name .
What Are the Benefits Link exchange affect SEOPosted by Ahmad Ridwan Sunday , January 27 , 2013 22 commentsSEO benefits for link exchange
Exchange Really Useful links for SEO in Your Blog ? obat telat bulan Benefits of making Link exchange with other people is actually good blog to increase linkages and good relationships . However , if the link exchange can affect SEO exsternal in your Blog ? For more details , let's see more detail in this article .
Basically exchanging links is a concept closely to build strength and increase traffic on our Blog link is allowed by Google . Why are permitted ? Because a professional website was also made ​​between the backlinks other websites that have the same theme and a good business relationship . But sometimes a lot of mistakes in activities that Google hates link exchange . I do not hate on the activities link exchange visitor traffic in order to multiply but I really do not like the function that is used to increase the ranking ( rank / PageRank ) whenever exchanging links jasa pembuatan toko online murah .
In conclusion , link exchange with an excessive amount will be considered as SPAM by Google . That is why sometimes when we exchange links , number of Links in the blog is not incremented by 1 also . This is due to Google's valuation has 2 parameters in indicating the functions and benefits of a link exchange .
Link exchange benefits that are not good for SEO is caused by :1 . Link exchange with Excessive Amounts obat telat bulanIn doing link exchange does not allow them to do activities to the maximum exchange links . To do a link exchange limit is 3 days for every 1 link . Or making a link exchange has been prepared ahead of time before and put some links up to 9 when he first made ​​the link exchange page .
2 . Exchanging links with different Blog Topics and ThemesOften in doing a link exchange with other blogs is not an appropriate topic considering the differences in the content of our blog pages . Google does not like to exchange links with 2 different blog content. Because of the general benefits of link exchange activity is required for visitors looking for a relationship at the time visitor and need not have obtained the information from the blog that he came . Therefore , link exchange should be tailored to the content and topic of the article on our blog obat telat bulan page .
3 . Placement on Sidebar Links ExchangeExchange links or link exchange is often wrong in putting his position on our blog page . Some professional website link exchange simply put identity on a page . Why are only placed in one page ? Yes. Because , if put all the links on the main page or homepage will make the weight of the composition of our blog will grow and Spiders Google does not pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar like lazy even to index your pages if too many links there are on the main page of your blog / homepage . Worse yet , if all the links present on all pages of the blog . Actually , you can display a widget blog only on Homepage or Post only. It would be very good , and even considered as an act of wrong link exchange and SEO crush OnThe page you are .
Search engines or search engines love sites with the addition of the number of links increases steadily . It is regarded as one of the benefits of link exchange activity itself well to SEO . Some reasons are considered bad a blog that frequently exchanging links is obat aborsi :

1 . Aggravate the weight / height of a link on the blog . The result , you must multiply the number of words in each blog post if you want to be indexed is not a collection of links other people who will be indexed .
2 . Lowered with the use of reputation Blog Internal Link is too much in 1 pages . Maximum perhalaman is having 100 links . The link is measured not only in terms of an active link ( external ) but also of the internal link your blog .
3 . obat aborsi Dishonesty among blogs to exchange links . Often times , you exchange links but you link the next few days removed by the Others Blog .
4 . If the total amount does not reach 70 Internal Links Link but Link exsternal exceed Internal Link . Then you will hit Google Penalty . Because Internal links should be higher 35Link for External Link .
5 . Not a Long-Term Traffic . When exposed to someone else's blog Google Penalty some point , then you will be included in the activities uncleanness exchange links so visitors blog traffic will peluang usaha online decrease drastically .
Therefore , expected to ssahabat activities to keep your link to the blog that exists Others . So that you can always link Optimized scalable and well . That was a long explanation about the benefits of exchange links in the page affect SEO Friendly . Thank you for reading the article titled " Is Affecting Benefits Link Exchange SEO " ? May be useful . You can also exchange links with this blog page Link exchange function and usefulness in Blog pulau pari .
Read more : http://impoint.blogspot.com/2013/01/apakah-manfaat-tukar-link-mempengaruhi.html # ixzz2jJ3uPrPVProhibited from using the copy and paste articles without source link - DMCA ProtectedFollow us : @ ravdania on Twitter | pemakan.worell on Facebook
SEO Smart Links is different and much more practical than installing Link To Internal Link . SEO Smart Links is run automatically on one of the keywords that we want to provide internal links . So , if we create an article and put one word in the Smart Link will automatically word is there will be an active link to our point as we want pulau pari.
With the ease of SEO Smart Links is , we no longer need to provide a link manually and one by one . Because we have been setting earlier and every word will automatically go to a page on our blog . For example , you create a SEO To be indexed and given auto link . Indeed discuss issues related to SEO is very innovative and has a variety of techniques . Is auto link or Smart Link is blaming Google rules ? Of course not , as long as we do not use too many keywords that have been fitted with SEO Smart Links in each article post that we make .
How to work seo smart link to this blogspot ?This script will read every word on every post . For example , if my friend put the word " SEO " in the script automatically on all pages that have the word " seo " bisnis online  will be in the link to the url address that you specify .
How to Make SEO Smart Links :1 . Login to blogger.com , Select Template .2 . Then Edit HTML .3 . obat pembesar penis Familiarized each edit html templates , checklists Expand Widget Templates .4 . Find the code < / body> able to use the CTRL + F5 . If you have found , copy the code below and place it above the < / body> .

<b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'> <script type='text/javascript'>
autolink function ( ) {
this.keywdHref = new Object ( ) ;
this.add = function (keyword , href ) {
if ( keyword.substr ( 0.1 ) ! = " " ) { keyword = " " + keyword ; }
this.keywdHref [ keyword ] = href ;
this.createAnchor = function ( ) {
var objs = document.getElementsByTagName ( " div " ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < objs.length ; i + + ) {
var obj = objs [ i ] ;
if ( obj.className.indexOf ( " post-body " obat pembesar penis) > -1 ) {
var content = obj.innerHTML ;
for ( var keyword in this.keywdHref ) {
var href = this.keywdHref [ keyword ] ;
newstr var = content.replace (keyword , " <a href='"+href+"'> " + keyword + " < / a> " , " gi " ) ;
obj.innerHTML = newstr ;
content = newstr ;
this.startScript = function ( ) {
var onLoad = window.onload ;
window.onload = function ( ) {
if ( onLoad ) { alat bantu sex onLoad ( ) ; }
setTimeout ( " f.createAnchor ( ) " , 100 ) ;
< / script >
<script type='text/javascript'>
var f = new autolink ( ) ;
f.add ( " SEO " , " http://impoint.blogspot.com/ " ) ;
f.startScript ( ) ;
< / script > < / b : if>
Guide to Make SEO Smart Auto Link :

Replace pasang iklan online the red text ( ' SEO ' ) with one of your keywords .Faster Simple Template V2 - Download Template with Fast Loading SEO Friendly and each user is the desired template . Faster V2 template will be distributed free of charge to my blogger friends all . Actually , this is the template I downloaded from a website and my own editing and optimization .
Simple template has a simple and elegant design for blog -based professional and intermediate level and above . Loading on this template is also very fast 1.4 seconds . In addition , the dynamic also Headingnya Tag H1 as the blog title , H2 and H1 as writing articles for the alat bantu sex Post Title indexed in search engines . While the original blog title is H2 . For those of you , who do not understand the management structure Heading Tag H1 , H2 , H3 , H4 , and so on can dynamically read the article How To Change Heading Tag SEO Friendly structure .

And here's the features and advantages of this template Simple Faster v2 :

Dynamic Heading tag
Breadcrumb navigation using Rich Snippets
Auto Readmore with Image
   obat telat bulan 
Related Post with Image / Thumbnail
Numbered Page Navigation
Social Network buttons ( ShareThis )
728x90 banner ad next to the title of the blog
Custom CSS Threaded Comment
Google Adsense Ready
Not so Simple but still Fast Loading
Permalink SEO FriendlyWant to Make Search Box Cool ? Beautiful and Simple Search box ? How do I create a grid search box css ? Want to know how? Guidance regarding the installation of the search box may help you who do not have the elements in the search box blog template . Here is a demo skin with CSS search box creation is beautiful and elegant .making boxes beautifull search box css skin
How good does not ? Have a blog you are looking at the obat telat bulan  next door neighbor that nothing like this . hahaha ^ ^ . Mostly I make the article never copy paste , most merely observe , learn , and modify the idea in the brain and even then if I'm not excited . When I'm fresh I will always give you the best quality and variety of articles for all visitors .
Back again to the topic of the beginning of the How to Make a Box Search Box Beautifull this . Regarding making in blogger is very easy , simply by using diversity and design as well as a little extra CSS HTML element , Search Box This box can be installed easily iklan massal .
Directly to the installation phase now. As previous search boxes you can also add this search boxes in one step.See preview of search boxes in search boxes below , now lets see how to add them into your blogger blog ?
Follow and watch step by step making of Search Box :1 . Sign in to Blogger .2 . Click Add Widgets / Add a Gadget .3 . Choose HTML / Javascript .4 . Copy the code below and place it there .
Search Box Style Green

<style type="text/css"> # pulau tidung mediablogger - searchbox {border - radius : 5px ; background: no-repeat scroll center center transparent ; width: 307px ; height: 50px ; disaply : block; } form # mediablogger - searchform { display: block ; padding : 16px 9px ; margin : 0 ; } form # mediablogger - searchform # s { padding -left : 24px ! important; padding : 7.5px ; margin : 0 ; width: 198px ; font - size: 16px ; font -family : georgia ; font - style : italic ; color: # 666666 ; vertical-align : top ; border : none ; background: transparent ; } form # # mediablogger - searchform sbutton { margin : 0 ; padding : 0 ; height: 40px ; width: 74px ; vertical-align : top ; border: none ; background: transparent ; } < / style > <div id="mediablogger-searchbox"> The source code is id="mediablogger-searchform" action="/search" method="get"> < input type = "text " id = " s " name = " q " value = " Search ... " onfocus = " if ( this.value == ' Search ... ' ) { this.value = " " } ' onblur = " if ( this.value == " " ) { this.value = " Search ... " ; } ' / > <input type="image" src="http://img1.blogblog.com/img/blank.gif" id="sbutton" /> < / form> < / div >
How to Search Box pulau tidung Installation for Other Colors , replace the red code above code with url image below :
- Style Red ( Red )- Style Blue ( Blue )

- Style Orange
When finished , click Save .That was a guide on How to Make Beautiful Boxes Search Box in Blogger . Okay , thanks I'll see you on the occasion of the next blogger tutorials just in Media Blogger . See and Read How to Add Email Subscription Widget in Lower Post , How to Make Recent Posts with thumbnails Scroll Professional, Making Smart Auto SEO Link in the Post article
Read more : http://impoint.blogspot.com/2013/01/cara-membuat-kotak-search-box.html # ixzz2jJ3M2B4FProhibited from using the copy and paste articles without source link - alat bantu sex  DMCA ProtectedFollow us : @ ravdania on Twitter | pemakan.worell on Facebook
With some excellent features , of course, visitors or traffic to maximize your traffic . This template has been in setting SEO Friendly and I share it for free . For guidance on some of the features that can edit yourself , the following guide:
Due to this template using a heading tag structure dynamic , changing on the homepage and post pages . Then to replace the blog title picture could not get through the edit menu layout but have to go through the menu and edit HTML .First, prepare the first image you want to make a buddy blog logo . Important ! Image size is 212x90 ( 212 pixels by 90 pixels ) . First upload the image to a file hosting pal confidence . Or better when alat bantu sex uploaded it on blogger . After that copy the image URL .
Find this code in the template Simple Faster v2 :<h1 class='title'> <b:include name='title'/> < / h1 > <p <b:else/> class='title'> <b:include name='title'/> < / p > < / b : if> < / div > <b:include name='description'/>
Remove and replace all the code with the code below .

<h1 class='logo'> <a rel='nofollow' expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'> < img expr : alt = ' data: the blog.title ' expr : title = ' data: the blog.title ' border = '0 ' / > < / a> < / h1 > <p <b:else/> class='logo'> <a rel='nofollow' expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'> < img expr : alt = ' data: the blog.title ' expr : title = ' data: the blog.title ' border = '0 ' / > < / a> < / p > < / b : if> < / div >
Replace the red code with URL image make logos like my friend blog .Save the template and see the result now , cool is not it? bisnis online Hehehe .. Now your blog look more professional .DEMO DOWNLOAD
Template Super Fast , Dynamic Headings , Easy Navigate , Search Box Templates and more will provide convenience for visitors to explore our blog with dynamic template . For other templates are SEO Friendly but more simple again I will share free too . Coolbiz Template SEO Friendly . Simple templates , Fast Loading, SEO Friendly Templates . Design by Forex , SoftLayer , Hosting Pro .
Read more : http://impoint.blogspot.com/2013/01/simple-template-fast-loading-and-seo.html # ixzz2jJ2tvCnsProhibited from using the copy and paste articles without source link - DMCA ProtectedFollow us : @ ravdania on Twitter | pemakan.worell on Facebook

Replace the words in purple with a url link that you want.
Function of making SEO Smart Links is already widely used by bloggers . Of course , will make us the better the internal link . However , my recommendation is to use these keywords in each article is 3 times the maximum post . Not too much so that Google likes our blog page . How to Create Quality SEO Friendly Articles may be able to apply as well . Thank you and hopefully useful .
Read more : http://impoint.blogspot.com/2013/01/ strategi Pemasaran membuat-seo-smart-link-di-artikel.html # ixzz2jJ2oU1MeProhibited from using the copy and paste articles without source link - DMCA ProtectedFollow us : @ ravdania on Twitter | pemakan.worell on Facebook

Post By : Jasa SEO Murah dan Jasa Desain Website Murah

Teknik SEO Dasar Yang Tidak Boleh Dilupakan


jasa seo murah - Basic SEO Techniques That Most Home - Perhaps many webmasters who perform various SEO techniques to optimize SEO On Page and Off Page SEO their website . And unconsciously , sometimes many of them are often oblivious to the basics in SEO optimizing Onpage website. You could say this is the most basic in the optimization blog . Also, a lot of webmasters who have achieved top ranking in google , who does not forget to continue to use SEO techniques . This time I will remind you again to be the basic SEO techniques that you should not forget . alat bantu sex There are 4 most basic SEO techniques are required for you to remember and you have to continue to apply for Onpage SEO optimize your blog . 4th following basic techniques :Creating an article with the standard and quality of SEO is simple . How do I make a good post article ? Try to make a quality article of targeted keywords with keywords in search engines . After determining the main keyword , we can determine an appropriate theme for the title of our article .
How to Write Quality SEO Friendly Articles in Blog :1 . Selection of the Right Article TitleThe first stage is to determine an appropriate alat bantu sex title in an article that we want to create. How do I determine the title of this post article ? As mentioned earlier , we have to determine the theme beforehand in order to mmbuat a good title . Try to make the title of 4-8 words long article with Main Keyword . Based SEO On Page 2013 that I received , 4-8 main keywords are organized into a title was the first to be indexed first page of Google's rankings 1 .
2 . Choosing the article URL ( Permalink )In general, every time we have completed to determine an article's title , then the blogger will automatically give Permalink alat bantu sex located on the sidebar of our blog page Post Settings . Right side when doing your post contains no menu Labels , Schedule , Permalink , Location , Option . In part there is already an auto Permalink url meaning url has been determined based on the title of the article . We can also change it by clicking on the Custom Permalink . You just fill in the url what is on target with the title of your article . This will be be effective than automatic permalink . pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar  Custom Permalink writing sample .meta - tag - seo - friendly - 20133 . Use the label on each article
4 . Articles of making SEO Friendly Standards Compliance
In making SEO Friendly article needs some optimization criteria below :

350kata minimal length article .
Each keyword is repeated at least 3 times and a maximum of 5 times .
Keywords are general should be Bold or Italic or Underline , alat bantu sex  Choose one . While the main keyword must be accompanied Bold , Italic , Underline and URL links Active .
Use standard language , good , and true to Indonesian rule .
Do not forget to use one phrase Tags H1 , H2 or H3 on the article .
Use the method Dedikatif , Inductive and Intelektif . Intended to place the main keywords in the first paragraph , last paragraph , paragraph content, or at the beginning and end of the paragraph .
5 . Put a Picture alat bantu sex on the article attributes .In search on search engines is not only based Web searches but also by Image / Image therefore , give the name of the corresponding image with the title and not too long .
6 . Replacing Internal links within the article .In building a blog page SEO On Page , make an Internal Links is the thing to do in every article . The trick is to make the connection between the articles on your blog with a link to the article . Thus , the reader will follow the trail left if they do not understand them .
7 . Make a useful article for someone else and not pushy obat telat bulan .
7 Important Points in SEO Friendly writing quality articles like the above can apply to the optimization of making a good post . Hopefully the reader can understand in determining the exact title of the article and according to keywords . Hopefully your blog page can be indexed quickly and rank 1 in Google's blog .
Read more : http://impoint.blogspot.com/2013/01/cara-menulis-artikel-berkualitas-seo.html # ixzz2jIrA6AvoProhibited from using the copy and paste articles without source link - DMCA ProtectedFollow us : @ ravdania on Twitter | pemakan.worell on Facebook

   obat aborsi 
Qualified Content
As well as any SEO techniques that you use or as any SEO Friendly theme you use , but if without the support of quality and useful content , it will all be in vain . Good content , quality and Helpful is the content useful and very sought after . Thus , priority was always to create quality content and useful .seo » Formula to Make Title , Description and Keyword SEO StandardCreating formulas Title , Description and Keyword SEO StandardSEO Tips from SEO Services in today's Budget will be distributed for pulau pari  information seekers formula you create titles , descriptions and keywords standards SEO.Rumus this time will be at the start of counting the number of characters in the title , description and keywords that match the standard Search Engine .
The first number is the number of characters to create a title character .1.Jumlah character is said to SEO Friendly , According to regulations , the number of characters that are otherwise require a minimum of 40 characters and a maximum of 60 karakter.Jadi in making the title of the website shall also not be too long or not too short .
Description 2.Untuk number of characters , according to the rules is 150 characters and a maximum of 156 .Amount that exceeds the character description will affect less baik.jadi character set appropriate for peluang usaha online the description of the rules.
3.For keywords , according to the rules of the maximum current is 400 karakter.Dan to note is the focus on 3 key keyword alone, the rest is the rest of the characters to repeat pendamping.jangan keyord keyord more than 3 words .
Well , it's only Formula to Make Title , Description and Keyword SEO Standard of knowing the number of characters dulu.Pada SEO tips next , will be distributed in a pulau pari  way that SEO article writing Friendly .Hopefully manfaat.Mari Share this article :You 've read the article about the Formula to Make Title , Description and Keyword Standard SEO and you can find articles Formulas Creating Title , Description and Keyword SEO Standard is the URL http://www.darmanto.com/2013/07/rumus-membuat-juduldeskripsi - dan.html . You may redistribute it if the article Formulas Creating Title , Description and Keyword SEO Standard is useful when , but please include LINKS Formulas Creating Title , Description and Keyword SEO Standard as its source .
Links are SEO Friendly
Html code obat pembesar penis which is commonly used as :
<a href="http://teknik-seo.mwb.im"> MWB SEO Techniques < / a>
However , writing the correct html code is :
<a title="Tips & Techniques To Learn SEO With SEO Techniques href="http://teknik-seo.mwb.im"> Mudah" MWB < / a>
And if the link leads out property just add rel = " nofollow " .
<a title="Tips & Techniques To Learn SEO With SEO Techniques rel="nofollow"> href="http://teknik-seo.mwb.im" Mudah" MWB < / a>
Links are SEO friendly title in order to use google to find out about the link that will be addressed . If the link leads out of the blog , use the rel = " nofollow " that google does not track it .Simple terms SEO or Search Engine Optimizer or Search Engine obat pembesar penis  Optimizing I personally think means creating content ( material ) of portals , websites , blogs recognized and recorded ( indexed ) by search engines like Google , Yahoo , Bing , Lycos and other search engines are more optimal . The hope when the person or user looking for something on the internet through search engines with keywords (keyword ) the specific content we have in the portal , website , or blog to appear in search results .
SEO alone will be considered successful , if our position in the search results pages are on the order of the initial pages , the first page as much as possible . But of course what is sought by the people in accordance with the content we have. So the ultimate goal of SEO is to jasa pembuatan toko online murah bring traffic ( visits ) a more through search engines .
From the above simple terms , I want to inform the simple tricks that can be used by my friends who are just learning or want to learn to make blogging with Blogspot blog . The following tricks related to Title posts / articles in Blogspot with templates / default themes . By default ( standard ) title on Blogspot is the Title ( Name ) Blog itself ( when we opened Home , while opening one of the articles the title that appears is the Blog Name followed by Title Articles .

Title to the standard format alat bantu sex  as above , less than optimal for search engines , since all the content we will be preceded by the same title of the blog ( especially if the long title of our blog ) . Title different result if a new article is preceded by the title followed by the title ( name ) blog , thus the recorded content ( indexed ) by search engines is more varied and the possibility of appearing in the front page of search results is greater.
To change the format above Title relatively easy , here are the steps . Upon entry into the admin panel , we go to the Edit HTML alat bantu sex  .

Next we find a script like this title ( this script at the top , writing scripts by default / standard is no standard at Blogspot template , it is possible if we use a third party cardboard template , then writing the script title itself may also have changed ) .
view plainprint ?

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
<title> <data:blog.pageTitle/> < / title> Pulau tidung
<b:skin> < ! [ CDATA [ / *
Replace script marked in red with the new script below and save the template .view plainprint ?

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title> <data:blog.title/> < / title>
<title> <data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/> < / title>
< / b : if>
<b:skin> < ! [ CDATA [

Now try to open one of the articles in our pulau tidung blog and its perhatingan Title , if successful it now has changed the format of writing a post title was in front followed by the title of the blog . Thus our post title is more optimal , and we wait for live search engine robots record ( indexing ) the content of our blog .

That was a glimpse of information about the format of writing that is considered capable of optimizing Title SEO , may be useful and good luck .
SEO Friendly images
Html code which is often used to display the image is as follows :
<img src="http://teknik-seo.mwb.im/files/seo2.jpg">
But writing the correct html code to display  bisnis online the image is as follows :
<img title="SEO" src="http://teknik-seo.mwb.im/files/seo2.jpg" alt="Teknik-SEO-Mwb">
SEO friendly images is determined by the image file name , ALT and Title tags should use keywords that match the image . Why should the ALT and Title tags ? Because Google can not see and can only be read . So a detailed description of the image need to explain to google about the picture.

The HTML code Valid
What is a Valid Code ? We must use HTML code , CSS and other code its compliance with W3C standards . For example : To make the text bold ( bold ) , HTML code commonly used are :
MWB <b> SEO Techniques < / b >
Writing html code is correct ( valid ) is :
MWB strong SEO Techniques < / strong>
Use code strong emphasis in performing keywords from your article . To find out more how to write valid HTML code , please go to the site W3School . There you will be taught about HTML , PHP , CSS and other coding freely .
Try to continue to perform 4 basic SEO techniques that should not be forgotten this . Okay maybe that's all I can say is 4 SEO techniques that should not be forgotten . I beg to resign , I'll see you next dipostingan ... ^ _ ^ pasang iklan online 

Post By : jasa SEO Murah Dan Jasa Desain Website Murah