Selasa, 30 September 2014

Depreciation cage 20% / year thus

Depreciation cage 20% / year thus depreciation for the period. 10
cows need drugs Rp. 50,000 / tail / period. 1 person workforce judi online with a salary of Rp. 750,000 / month. Cage equipment needed is Rp. 250,000 / period. Impurities generated during the first period of 6,000 kg can be sold at a price of Rp. 200 / kg.
  Fattening beef cattle are the maintenance of adult cattle in the state for increased lean body weight through enlargement of meat in a relatively short time (3-5 months). Some issues related to beef cattle fattening are:
1 Types of Beef Cattle.
Several types of cattle used to going in fattening beef cattle in Indonesia are:
a. Bali cattle.
Characteristic red color with white on the legs from the knees down and the buttocks, the back striped black (line eel). The advantages of this cow can adapt well to the new environment.
b. Ongole cattle.
Characteristics are white with black in some parts of the body, sagged and humped, and good adaptability. This species has been crossed with Madura cattle, the offspring is called Peranakan Ongole (PO) with the same characteristics Ongole cattle but lower production capabilities.
c. Brahman cattle.
Characteristics brown to dark brown, with white
BEJOQQ.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA on the head. Power grow quickly, so be excellent beef cattle in Indonesia.
d. Madura cattle.
Has a characteristic humped, yellow to red brick, sometimes there is white on the muzzle, tail and lower legs. Type these cows have a low weight gain power.

Rabu, 24 September 2014

Green mussel (Perna viridis)

Green mussel (Perna viridis) is one type of shellfish that is popular with the public, have economic value and nutrient content were very good to eat, which is composed of 40.8% water, 21.9% protein, 14.5% fat, 18, 5% carbohydrate and 4.3% ash making green mussel comparable to beef, eggs and chicken meat, 100 grams of green mussel meat contains 100 calories.

BIOLOGIIni is a stretch of Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya pond aquaculture or shellfish Anadara shells also called virgin. The area of ​​approximately 200 acres of their area. Its location in Losari, Cirebon, West Java. Virgin shells ponds is managed by a group of fish farmers developed coastal beaches.

Shellfish cultivation of virgin into an alternative business for fish farmers here after tiger shrimp that previously occupied the local farmers and the declining prospects are no longer profitable.

To reach the location of shellfish aquaculture virgin in Cirebon from Jakarta via toll road Jakarta can - Cikampek. After exiting the toll gate, proceed down the path toward the northern coast village of Tawang Sari, Losari, Cirebon.

Selasa, 09 September 2014

This plant is almost similar to a coconut tree

This plant is almost similar to a coconut tree. The difference,, if the palm tree trunk net (old leaf midrib is off), then the palm tree trunk is so dirty because the stem was wrapped by fibers so that the old leaf midrib or difficult to take off from the trunk. Hence, Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya   the palm trees are often overgrown by plants many kinds of ferns.

Palm leaf stalks can reach a length of 1.5 meters, a length of the leaf blade 1:45 meters, a width of 7 cm and the bottom of the leaf there is a layer of wax.

B. Distribution and Growing Conditions

Aren deployment region is located between latitude 20 º N - 11ºLS that include: India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Hawaii, the Philippines, Guam and various islands around the Pacific. (Burkil, 1935); Miller, 1964; Pratiwi (1989).

   Palm sap produces water that comes from the fruit bunches Virgin or intercepted. Water itself can be processed into juice, palm sugar, palm sugar, fresh drinks, syrups, bio ethanol, methanol, wine or gin. In addition, the sugar could also produce fruit that is usually processed into or bargat fro. Other products of the palm trees are fibers, straws and sago. The wood can be utilized as construction materials. Roots and leaves can also be used as a drug.

Unfortunately, until now still a few people who want to cultivate palm trees. Most of the existing palm tree is a tree that grows wild. Spread with the help of water and animal weasel. In fact, sugar is very economical and profitable when cultivated intensively.

People rarely want to cultivate palm seeing palm tree that grows wild in nature, can only producing after 10-12 years. Yet when planted and cared for properly, sugar can already start producing at the age of 6-7 years.

In general, sugar production is divided into
SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA three types. Early maturing palm, and palm sugar in steeper. Crosses with palm sugar in early maturing palm can produce sadang. Advantages and disadvantages of each type

Rabu, 06 Agustus 2014

Petai (Parkia speciosa),

Petai (Parkia speciosa), ankaŭ nomita la tordita cluster fabo, malbonodoros fabo, peteh, yongchaak, Sataw aux Sator. Petai denaska vivmedio, disvastiĝis el nordorienta Barato, Bangladeŝo, Birmo, Tajlando, Kamboĝo, Vjetnamio, Malajzio kaj Indonezio. Banano kreskante de malaltaj teroj (0 m. ASL) ĝis 800 m. ASL. Banano plantoj kreskantaj en la formo de ligna arboj, kun tre malferma kanopeo, kun altoj ĝis 30 m. Ĉar kanopeo malfermeco, taŭga kultivita banano intercropping kun jaraj rikoltoj. Supre en banano kultivado en monocultivo estis, la tero sub la ĉefa planto staras, ankoraŭ eblis sezona kultivaĵoj, sen malsupreniri la nivelon de produktiveco tro multe. Preskaŭ ĉiuj plantoj povas kreski sub banano piedestalon. Sed la arakido kropo, taro kaj empon-empon, estas la plej bona alternativo. Maizo estas malpli favora, kiel farus Produktiveco estas tre malalta, dum ĝi estos malpliigi la productividad de jukao petai. Arakidoj estas sufiĉe bona, ĉar ĝi pliigos la fekundecon de la tero, kun la aresto de nitrogeno rekte el aero. Petai semo greftado kun devenis de supera klonas, estis produktita de reproduktuloj. Speciale en Centra Java kaj Lampung. Ideale, la semo estos plantitaj en la tero jam mezurante 1,5 m. La prezo de semo grandeco, kiu iras de RP 50.000, - sd. Rp 100,000, -. En aĉeto en grandaj kvantoj, la prezo povus esti iom pli malalta. Se vi volas iom malpeza, ĝi povas aĉeti semojn grandeco sub 50 cm, kun prezo de RP 10.000, - sd. Rp 20,000, - semas kun intensivaj zorgoj, ĝis ĝi atingas altecon de 1,5 m. Tio estas kiam la semo estis movita al la kampo, al la komenco de la pluvsezono. Semoj greftado je 1,5 m, havos inter 3 doni fruktojn. 4 jaroj post plantado. Banano plantoj daŭre esti produktiva dum 20 sd. 25 jarojn, kaj esti rejuvenecido. Plantoj kiuj estas tro maljuna, produktiveco malpliiĝos kaj pli malfacile frukto recolección. En Tajlando, banano plantoj estis tranĉita intence, nur atingas altecon de inter 4. 6 m, por faciBetklik99 Agen Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014 la bontenado, aparte pakita kaj recolección. Ĉirkaŭvolvinte frukton, absolute devas esti farita por malhelpi atakojn raŭpoj en la semoj. Speciale kiam la rezultoj estos eksportitaj. A banano frukto kreskas en panículas, 4. 8 tabulojn. En la tabulo estas dekduo semoj. Petai estas komercaĵoj kiuj odoris tre akra. Al la punkto kiu ili manĝas petai urino, ankaŭ tre akran distinga banano gusto. Ĉar ĉi tiu estas tre akra aromo, banano estas ankaŭ polemika komercaĵoj, kiel durian. Unuflanke estas la konsumantoj kiuj estas tre fanatika ŝatas bananon, kaj aliflanke estas personoj kiuj vere ne ŝatas la odoron. Tamen, la banano estas ankoraŭ pli bona ol la durian, ĉar la odoro ne disvastiĝis, kiam ĝi ne estas konsumita. Petai faboj povas esti manĝata freŝa, kuiritan, kradrostita aŭ fritita, manĝi rizon salato flanko pladon speciale kun la kokido kaj fritita fiŝo. Plie, banano estas ankaŭ ingredienco en diversaj pladoj. Ĉu en la formo de legomoj, kaj flankaj pladoj. Hodiaŭ ankaŭ gajnante populareco petai fritita rizo. Banano konsumo en troa volumo, speciale kun chili kiu estas ankaŭ en grandaj volumoj, povas kaŭzi doloron abdominal kaj diareo. En sunda kuirarto, kun freŝa legomo petai kaj Sambal, ĉiam akompanita de salato ke gustumu sepet (enhavanta taninos). Uzi, por malhelpi enmiksiĝon kun abdominales doloro. Petai surmerkatigitaj en formo de tabuloj, ambaŭ en la ligilo, tiel kiel unuoj. Tiuj varoj estas preskaŭ neniam vendis en unuoj de funtoj aŭ onzas pezo. En grandaj superbazaroj, nun ankaŭ havas digerai petai en ŝaŭmon de poliestireno pakita.BOLA PELANGI AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Kvankam la prezo estas relative altaj, petai en ŝaŭmon de poliestireno pakita estas garantiita kvaliton, ĉar tio estas tra la selektado. Sed por la bananon fanatikulo mangxegemulo manĝi petai devus esti la estraro rekte. Eater súper fanatikulo petai, petai anstataŭe postulas freŝan (kruda), supozeble ĉar ĉi komercaĵo delikatecon imposto malpliiĝos kiam varmigita.

Selasa, 22 Juli 2014


Suositukset - Ääni sirkutusta monipuolista eikä vain yksitoikkoinen. - Jos radalla muiden cucak parta, ei ngeleper (tärisevä siipi). - Jos hän on jo vakiintunut, miehekäs parta Cucak ei kutemaan jos liikaa ylimääräistAgen Casino Onlineä fooding. - Enemmän symmetrinen sekä ulkoasua pää, selkä ja häntä. - Väri rinnassa enemmän hallitsee väri keltainen. 2 ominaisuudet Cucak Beard Naiset - Ääni yksitoikkoinen sirkutus ja hallitsee ääni besetan / ngesrek. - Jos radalla muiden cucak parta, erityisesti cucak miehekäs parta, siivet ngeleper. - Jos hän on jo vakiintunut, naisten tulee munia Cucak parta, varsinkin jos kasvatti ylimääräisiä fooding. -. Kehon muoto on vähemmän symmetrinen - Väri rinnassa enemmän hallitsee valkoinen väri verrattuna väri keltainen. Huomaa, että nämä ominaisuudet cucak parta ja miehekäs piirteitä naaraat cucak parta edellä on vain perustuu kokemukseen useimpien pelaajien lintu. Kysymys siitä, onko voimassa, yritä monggo itsessään. Voivat olla hyödyllisiä. Lähde: Vastaus on ilmeinen. Tämä kyky on annettu hevosia ei omiin tarpeisiinsa, vaan palvelemaan ihmisiin. Toisin sanoen, Jumala on luonut hevosen kanssa aikaisemmin kykyjä, jotta he voivat palvella ihmiskuntaa. Koraanissa Allah todetaan, että Jumala loi eläimet palvelemaan ihmisen:

Hän loi karjaa sinulle, se ei ole lämmin turkis, ja kaikenlaisia ​​etuuksia, ja sebahagiannya syöt. Ja saat upeat näkymät häntä, kun tuot sen takaisin häkkiin, ja kun vapautat sen laitumelle. Ja hän kantaa teidän rasitteita maa, että et voi saada häntä, mutta vaikeudet (jotka Tucker) itse. Totises
Agen Judi Bolati Herrasi on Armelias, armollinen. Ja (Hän on luonut) hevoset, muulit ja aasit ratsastaa ja sinä (tee) koruja. Jumala luo mitä et tiedä. (Surat-Nahl: 5-8)
Varhainen alkionmuodostus Hevosvoimaan hänen syntymästään
Hevonen on eläin, joka on jo hyvin tuttu, mutta tiedätkö miten hevonen alkio muodostetaan vasta myöhään kelahirannya.Berikut esittelen kuvia. alkioiden 10 päivän iässä, on edelleen muovaamaton alkio 1pembersihannya ikä. Vaikeus kulkue pidätys Esimerkkejä muista eläimistä useammin kuin maanpäällinen leijuu, lintu on myös yksi harvoista kotieläimiä että monimutkaista. Ei Again sizenya joka ei ole kovin suuri, erittäin monimutkainen kesyttää lintuja ilman tarvetta tehdä hänet sairaaksi. Useimmat nuoret toimivat tai onko työkalu rysät kaapata kyseinen lintu esimerkkinä varpuset, pöllöt, papukaijat, vai kyyhkysiä. Mutta vain kokemus, jossa yksi henkilö omistama, vaikeuksia prosessin tämä lintu menjaringnya joskus voi silti käsitellä.

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Jumat, 18 Juli 2014

A. cepa var. aggregatum or more popularly

A. cepa var. aggregatum or more popularly known as onion, is the agricultural commodities with high economic value. It is obvious from the price stable and likely to agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya ase in the special days. It is then motivated many farmers to make the red onion as the main crop supporting their economic life. Basically onion cultivation is not a difficult case. By knowing the intricacies correctly, a person can become a successful onion farmer who qualified. If you are interested to cultivate this field, here we present some important information you must know before starting cultivation of onion. Turmeric is an herbal medicine that is also popularly used as a spice in the kitchen. Therefore, its use is widespread, turmeric price in the market is always stable. Observing this trend, glancing turmeric cultivation is not wrong. Basically the guideline and also saffron cultivation technique is quite simple. In the home scale, with just turmeric spread in the yard, in the few moments he will grow as healthy plants to decorate the page. Well, how about turmeric cultivation system in the scope or method more koprehensif? Of course many things that must be considered. Here we summarize the information for you.
Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val.) Is a plant that can grow up in areas with soil conditions latosol, regosol and alluvial. While the height of the planting ideally between 240 to 1200 meters above sea level or above sea level. The exact rainfall in turmeric cultivation is 2000 to 4000 milliliters per year. Turmeric plants should be planted in the understory of other crops such as teak trees are young, sengon and others. For the propagation itself, which is used is the rhizome of turmeric itself. Before planting, it should be treated in such a way as to maximize the growth of shoots. The way is easy that is by using the parent rhizome is split into 4 parts by weight of 5 to 20 grams per intersection. Before planting, the rhizomes are stored until shoots appear in the range of 0.5 to 1 cm.
After turmeric seeds ready, make sure the soil as the planting medium has also been prepared. The soil should be loose and should ideally be treated to a good drainage system to avoid stagnant water conditions. Turmeric cultivation systems can use the cropping pattern insert intercropping with other crops such as peanuts, peppers, tomatoes and others. After turmeric planted, do a series of maintenance processes that include fertilizin
BUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA g, weeding, and also pembumbunan. Weeding is done in order not incontestably turmeric crop of weeds. While pembumbunan done to renew the

Minggu, 13 Juli 2014

Si consideratur ostrea boletus

Si consideratur ostrea boletus culturam locum servet conseruentur et humidi inquisita signa. Si frigus arida est, aut prolixa kumbung erit afficiunt, ut in aqua celeriter euanescit caliditas et humiditas. Hic debet esse saepius inebriat. Si minus caliditas et humiditas Altiora potest crescere difficultatem partus vel corpus non crescit. Itaque intra certos caeli circulationem et JOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercaya fungus non ita cito exarescere atque kumbung mori. In tali circulatione circulum aliquam eu, mattis quis, interdum a, vento magno flante. Ubi ventum in circulatione celeritate aperiri possit. Tamen recentes penuriam fingere non refert. Morbi OSTREUM boletus culturam pestis imperium
Etiam massa baglog in cultura et ostrea boletus moderari pestes et morbos necesse aut haberi quod afficiat ne ostrea fungos. Aggrediuntur, et pestes et environmental conditiones naturaliter rapitur ostreum fungus fungus est. Sic et illud inter culturam, mutari posse impetum morbi. Ostrea boletus morbi Hama Eruca
Ostrea boletus culturam deci pestis frequentissima. Ex tribus explicare cessum a factor umor pestis est, turpis in terra de ceteris vocibus / stipula, formavit opere fusorio, et aurugine, et non oritur curculio terpanen, ut a nulla non est malum est, mundum.
Eruca pestes oriuntur, quando humiditas. Itaque tempus Humidum communia eruca pestes. Pestis est optima solutio victus cautela circulationem aëris moderari. Dum enim haec leguntur: tu fac foramina, et stetit ad tempus inebriat keumbung est.

JOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercaya Basis autem reliquum est in forma baglog potest cum messe, sicut animalia ladybugs. Causa est Ladybug eruca pestes. Causa est, quia non est verisimile, ut, dum fungus fungus terpanen et non periit cum fructibus et putida facta est ut pop. Egressus inde bruchus. Potius, cum messe baglog statuit eam ut turpis non feugiat nec tendere et terpanen.
Bruchus: ut in eo, non berseih kumbung kumbung domum in circuitu. Nam circa faciem domus claustris kumbung animalia et plantae.
Quod ne fieret, et superabit in eruca pestes, et hoc templum, et in circuitu domus purgans kumbung kumbung formalin spargit. Formicae populus infirmus, et aranearum, et Kleket (a genus of MUREX)
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Kamis, 10 Juli 2014

Tags in Category Technology in Livestock Catfish

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134 Comments for this article above, Click Here to comment


ass. Maz.saya want Usha trnak catfish. I use an sdah bwt tarp size 5 x 2 m. I skitar water content of 40 cm. I've been stocking seed size 3.7. Already skitar 1 week there is not the dead. Tp SKG why every hr byak who mati.airnya jg sometimes I change my fish separuh.trus jg byk yg n brdiri nggantung some kembung2 stomach. Because what it disebabkn ya.trus obtinya use what. Trims.

July 12, 2011

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Regards Kang Dodik :)

How many seeds are spread kang? akang fish exposed to intestinal inflammation (power poles) and acid stomach (bloating), such conditions usually caused by bacteria and pH of water is not good, try measuring the pH of water, do not just drain half the water, pond water should also be a solution that could improve water ph or soak papaya leaf midrib, to aid in fish lelen, we usually mix the food with garlic powder or other obat2an, if the fish had terminal can not be cured, at least not usually useful to help the other catfish that have not been infected or not too severe, may be useful, successful greeting ...

July 12, 2011


3000 fish stocking that my tail. I love papaya tp
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Senin, 07 Juli 2014

Sago (Metroxylon sp.) Presumably originated

Sago (Metroxylon sp.) Presumably originated from Maluku and Irian. In the eastern part of Indonesia, sago has long used as a staple food by the majority of the population, especially in Maluku and Irian Jaya. JUDI DOMINO, AGEN DOMINO, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Sago from Metroxylon genus, broadly classified into two, namely: the flowering or fruiting twice (Pleonanthic) and flowering or fruiting once (Hapaxanthic) which has an important economic value, because it contains more carbohydrates. This group consists of five important varieties are: a). Metroxylon sagus, Rottbol or sago Molat; b). Metroxylon rumphii, Martius or sago Tuni; c). Metroxylon rumphii, Sylvestre varieties Martius Martius or sago ihur; d). Metroxylon rumphii, Martius Martius or sago varieties Longispinum Makanaru; e). Metroxylon rumphii, Martius Martius or sago varieties Microcanthum Rattan

Propagation of the sago palm are: Provision of quality seeds in sago cultivation is an important factor that played a role in determining the quality of crop yields sago. The use of good seed and became one of superior quality guarantee of obtaining the maximum yield. Provision of seeds to plant sago cultivation can be done in several ways, either generative or vegetative. Each method has advantages and applicability of each tailored to the needs and the most appropriate conditions and allows for a try in each location. Here is a guide we will discuss about some of the methods of breeding / nursery provision in sago cultivation.

Seedlings either generative or vegetative having respective requirements, namely:

Terms of seeds for nursery generative ways:

     seeds used are old, not a physical disability, the average magnitude and sprout.

Terms of seed to seedling vegetative means:

     derived from shoots or pups aged less than 1 year, with a diameter of 10-13 cm and a weight of 2-3 kg.
     High pups less than 1 meter and have 3-4 leaf pieces. Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia


Once we know the requirements for the provision of each method, we step into the next stage of the preparation of sago seeds or plant seedlings, the steps are as follows:

How generative

     Seeds were taken from fruits that are old and falling / loss of a good mother plant, which is fertile and high production, grown on land that is fair as well as the production of clones of average height.
     Seeds / fruits are taken fruit physical disabilities, the magnitude of the average, and pithy.

How vegetative

Vegetative propagation can be done by using a seed tiller attached to the parent stem called dangkel or abut (not derived from stolons). As for how procurement dangkel are:

     Intake of selected dangkel located on the top surface.
     Cutting is done on the left side and right side 30 cm deep, without throwing the root fibers.
     Dangkel that have been cut, cleaned of leaves and placed i
BUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA n a place that gets direct sunlight at the surface of the right hemisphere in a place where sunlight falls, for 1 hour.

Kamis, 03 Juli 2014

Another commodity that has the potential to

Another commodity that has the potential to be developed to meet the economic needs of the domestic industry is plant / hard as coconut, coffee, pepper and herbs (Abdurachman and Suriadikarta, 2000). Hemp plants and medicines grow and produce well in peat being and less well on a very deep peat (3-5 m) (Subagyo et al, 1996).
agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya  3. Crops (crops) and other crops Peat soils suitable for crops is shallow peat and peat being. Water management needs to be taken to ensure that ground water does not go down too deep or drastic to prevent the symptoms do not return dried (Subagyo et al, 1996) Food plants require good drainage to prevent rot at the bottom of the plant and minimize the use of fertilizers. Cassava (Manihot esculenta) or tapioca produce more than 50 tons ha-1 with good management and is an important food crop in tropical oligotrophic peat with good drainage (Andriesse, 1988). In Bengkulu, planting corn with the application of specific technologies for peat (technology Tampurin) obtained results of 3.29 tons ha-1 on a variety of Pioneer-12 (Manti et al, 2001). As for vegetables, Satsiyati (1992) in Abdurachman and Suriadikarta (2000) mentions several horticultural crops of economic potential to be developed on peat ex PLG as chili, watermelon and pineapple. In areas that are producing vegetables Kalampangan to Palangkaraya Central Kalimantan, local farmers develop vegetables including cabbage, kale, cucumber cultivated in monoculture on a small scale in the land approximately 0.25 hectares (Limin et al, 2000). In addition, some peatlands including cultivated land can bongkor for a large variety of crops such as peppers / curly / small, eggplant, tomatoes, cabbage, celery, leek, beans, pariah, cucumbers, corn, vegetables, sweet corn, and fruit- fruits (mango, rambutan, melinjo, breadfruit, jackfruit, papaya, pineapple and banana) because peat is the kind of overflow C / D (not influenced by tidal water, only through groundwater seepage> 50 cm below the soil surface during thJUDI DOMINO, AGEN DOMINO, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA e dry season and <50 cm in the rainy season) (Ardjakusuma et al, 2001)
Technical Planting To avoid subsidence (subsidence) peat soil through biochemical oxidation, the surface of the soil must be maintained so as not bald. Some vegetation such as grasses or leguminose can be left to grow around the plant in the planting hole unless the principal as well as in oil palm plantations and coffee. Several types of legume Canavalia maritima spreads can grow with minimum nutrient (Singh, 1986) and shows high tolerance to acidity. Combustion as is done in the pineapple plantations should consider its impact on the surrounding environment fire. It would be better if the weeding on sugar returned to the soil (embedded) which will serve as the compost so that in addition to providing additional nutrients can also help maintain soil subsidence through subsidence (WIIFM and Melling, 2000). For horticultural crops, burning of litter can be done in a special place with a size of 3 x 4 m. Basic kiln given layer of mineral soil / clay 20 cm thick
BUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA and made around 30 cm wide channel. The depth of the channel adjusted to the depth of the ground water and the water level was maintained 20 cm from the ground in order to remain sufficiently moist peat. This meant that at the time of burning, the fire did not spread Ardjakusuma et al (2001).

Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

Related to Food Security in Indonesia, according to Bappenas

Related to Food Security in Indonesia, according to Bappenas there are 4 national strategic issues, namely: Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya      Increased food production, particularly the achievement of a surplus of 10 million tonnes of rice in 2014 as well as the achievement of fishery production 22.39 million tons in 2014.
     Acceleration diversification of food consumption.
     Stabilization of food prices in the country.
     Improving the welfare of farmers and fishermen.

  Map of Food Security and Vulnerability in Indonesia


Resilience and Vulnerability Description Map of Indonesian Food:

Of the 346 districts analyzed Food Security Council (DKP) there are 100 counties that have a high risk of food insecurity and require priority handling.

Among the 100 districts rated in the bottom of the so-called Map of Food Security and Vulnerability 2009 is subdivided into three priority areas, namely: priority 1, priority 2 and priority 3.

There are 30 districts which include Priority 1 to get treatment, the majority of districts spread across eastern Indonesia, especially in Papua (11 districts), NTT (6 districts) and West Papua (5 districts). The total population reached 5,282,571 inhabitants.

Which includes Priority 2, there are 30 districts, which are mostly found in West Kalimantan (7 districts), NTT (5 districts), NAD (4 districts), an
SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA d Papua (3 districts). The total population reached 7,671,614 inhabitants.

Which includes Priority 3 contained 40 kabupetan, which are mostly found in Central Kalimantan (6 districts), Central Sulawesi (5 districts) and NTB (4 districts). The total number of residents in this region Priority 3 11,785,667 inhabitants.

Determination of the status of the resilience and vulnerability of an area in the map is based on 13 indicators grouped into 4 categories. First, the availability of food. Indicators that are analyzed are 1) the normative per capita consumption of the ratio of net availability of rice + cassava + maize + sweet potato. Second, Access to Food. The indicators are: 2) The percentage of the population below the poverty line; 3) The percentage of villages that do not have access to adequate liaison, and 4) The percentage of the population without access to electricity.

Third, utilization of food (food consumption, health and nutrition). The indicators are: 5) Life expectancy at birth, 6) weight infants below the standard, 7) Female illiteracy, 8) Households without access to clean water; and 9) Percentage of population living more than 5 km from a health facility. (Source: Kompasiana)

quality diet

Quality of food refers to the adequacy of nutrients in food. The food quality has two components, namely the diversity of food and variety of foods or food (Ruel, 2003, SCN, 2007). The diversity of food is described as the amount of food or food groups consumed over a given period (Drewnowski, Henderson, Driscoll, and Rolls, 1997). Ruel (2003) and Onyango (2003) also showed that the diversity of food is directly related to the quality of food.

A household may reflect dietary quality if the household safe food, through the quality of food that meets the nutritional needs of the household (Ruel, 2003). It is important that the nutritional intake of food should be increased because of an inadequate diet under conditions of food insecurity can be a direct cause of malnutrition (Wenhold and Faber, 2006). This is especially true of children, because of the need for the various stages of its life cycle and development.

Given the nutrients contained therein, M agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaoringa leaves can contribute to the diversity of food and quality of food from households that need improvement of their nutritional intake. But it is also important to know the public acceptance of the Moringa leaves as a source of quality nutrition.