Depreciation cage 20% / year thus depreciation for the period. 10 cows need drugs Rp. 50,000 / tail / period. 1 person workforce judi online with a salary of Rp. 750,000 / month. Cage equipment needed is Rp. 250,000 / period. Impurities generated during the first period of 6,000 kg can be sold at a price of Rp. 200 / kg. Fattening beef cattle are the maintenance of adult cattle in the state for increased lean body weight through enlargement of meat in a relatively short time (3-5 months). Some issues related to beef cattle fattening are: 1 Types of Beef Cattle. Several types of cattle used to going in fattening beef cattle in Indonesia are: a. Bali cattle. Characteristic red color with white on the legs from the knees down and the buttocks, the back striped black (line eel). The advantages...